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T R I A L  T O  T R A C K

The Trial Files is a unique and revolutionary trial service that gives punters a vital edge over the competition through the thorough analysis of barrier trials and jump outs – predominantly in NSW and Victoria.

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O U R  S T O R Y

The majority of punters out there would struggle to read a barrier trial and interpret them as the basis of a horse’s next run however, at The Trial Files, we use a combination of digital sectional times along with an understanding of the effort a horse exerts in a trial to compile a comprehensive assessment of all trials run in those states.

Launched in April 2013, The Trial Files aims to identify horses to follow, and conversely the horses who will start under the odds and be suitable “lay” bets. Our experts assess the races our “blackbooked” horses appear in and provide betting advice accordingly. Whilst it is great to identify horses who trial well, or poorly, at The Trial Files acknowledge that the horses need to be in their right races, so we follow them right through to race day for our clients.

The fact that punters so prevalently ignore barrier trials as a form tool creates huge value in backing, and laying, horses who are coming through such trials. We have identified over long periods of research that these horses provide the best value betting propositions and have subsequently created an exciting service for you, the punter.

Our philosophy is that giving the punter a tip is one thing - empowering them with the knowledge and understanding of why that tip came about is another and that is what we aim to do.

T H E  T E A M

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